Take part in the future as tortoises are placed on Pinta Island to roam wild, grazing the natural vegetation and establishing a breeding group.
If you would like to donate you can do so when you renew your membership by adding the amount to the form or you can send a separate donation by cheque. Please make your cheque out to THE BRITISH CHELONIA GROUP and specify that you would like the donation to go to the Conservation Appeal. Please send your cheque to:
Membership Secretary BCG
PO Box 16216
B77 9LA
And thank you on behalf of the Galapagos Tortoises
Anne Rowberry. Conservation Officer
(Please be aware that if for any reason the money donated cannot be used for this appeal the BCG will use the money to support similiar chelonian conservation projects)

Tortoise 64 carried up to the introduction point by two park guards (Photograph: Francisco Laso).
A founder population from two sources will be released to re-populate the island with giant tortoises. Earlier in 2010 319 hybrid tortoises were released and monitored and these studies have informed the decision to establish a breeding colony initially using tortoises from Espanola island (the C. hoodensis species). Research has shown that genetically these tortoises are very closely related to the original Pinta tortoise and it is planned to release them in 2013.
A second source of tortoises may take time to select but there is evidence suggesting that there are first generation Pinta-Wolf tortoises living on Wolf Volcano and possibility that there may be pure Pinta tortoises. These would eventually join the population on Pinta.
GPS tagging, monitoring and establishing a population of tortoises on Pinta is expensive but what a wonderful legacy for the future.
This beautiful GALAPAGOS GIANT DOMED TORTOISE in bronze by the sculptor JEMMA PEARSON is for sale.
It is 8" high x 9" wide and 16" long and priced at £5,629 + VAT.
10% of the sales price will be donated to the BCG Conservation Funds if a sale comes through the Group.
Jemma Pearson was commissioned to sculpt a statue of Darwin for his old school, Shrewsbury, and after a trip to the Enchanted Islands Jemma launched a collection of bronze sculptures of small animals and birds called "Archipelago bronzes". These were sold on the Galapagos cruise boats raising funds for the Galapagos Conservation Trust. Some of Jemma's work will be on display at the Symposium.
For further information please contact Jemma at:
The Studio
Church Street
Tel: 015880640436
Mobile: 077 665 66507
Email: jemma{at}jemmapearson.com