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For tortoise, terrapin and turtle care and conservation


Sunday, 2 March 2025 -
10:30am to 5:30pm
How to get there: 

“Alison Shrubsole Room”,
Hill’s Road,
Cambridge CB2 8PH

An opportunity to hear about projects from people directly involved in chelonian conservation, husbandry and veterinary practice, as well as meeting other enthusiasts.
Non-members welcome
Ample parking on campus
PRICE £30 including lunch and refreshments during the day
CPD – 5 hours, CPD participants – half price
Less than 5 mins taxi drive from the main Cambridge station (walkable)

An interesting programme is being compiled at present and will be advertised both in the Newsletter and on our website as soon as arranged.
There will be a CPD session, a veterinary slot by an expert in exotics, a sea turtle slot and conservation news from around the world. The usual sales table will be there and all the lecturers will be available during the day.

LECTURERS: (In alphabetical order ) include

MR DAVID ALDERTON: Renowned animal author and Editor of Practical Reptile Keeping.
TITLE: “Pollution and its impacts on chelonians; what can be done?”

PROFESSOR JOHN AND MRS MARGARET COOPER will report on the latest news of their work in Kenya and will also be in charge of the early afternoon CPD session
TITLE:” Chelonian studies in Kenya – an upbeat report despite challenges of population, poverty and pollution”

PROFESSOR BRENDAN GODLEY will present one of the sea turtle lectures
TITLE: “ Cyprus to Kenya : 30 years in sea turtle conservation”.

DR KOSTAS PAPAFITSOROS will also  present a  sea turtle lecture.
TITLE: ”The Zakynthos Turtles interactive platform: sharing individual sea turtle scientific knowledge to engage ecotourists with sea turtle conservation in Zakynthos Island, Greece”

Ms SARAH PELLETT , a RCVS Recognised Specialist in Zoo and Wildlife Medicine will present the veterinary lecture.
TITLE:” Turtlely toxic: the impact of pollution on chelonian health, a veterinary case series”.


The Alison Shrubsole Room

The Alison Shrubsole Room

Fellows Dining Hall for lunch

Fellows Dining Hall for lunch

Symposium Poster

Click here for Booking Form

You can also write to or book a place: (Cheques/PO’s to THE BRITISH CHELONIA GROUP and enclose Booking Form above)
Symposium Organiser,
The British Chelonia Group,
P.O.Box 16216
B77 9LA

You can also purchse tickets using the Paypal buttons below


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